Saturday 30 November 2013

Progression so far

In this text post I will show my progression within the task so far...
Here is my basic layout for my front cover:
Here is a screenshot of my front cover in it's first stages. I have added minor details such as coverlines and I have also allocated where I want certain features of the magazine to be placed.
Here is a screenshot of the next stage of my magazine front cover. I have added in my chosen fonts and also added in my coverlines, spash and puff. I think that the fonts I have chosen do have a 'pop' element to them, especially the masthead. Furthermore, I have shown the beginnings of my colour palette, pink, white and purple.
Here is a screenshot of the beginnings of my contents page. I have repeated the use of the masthead with the continuing line of 'in this issue...' I have chosen my fonts and also the colours I will use. I've added editors notes and have begun to analyse the page numbers. I now need to focus on taking images for my magazine front cover, contents and double page spread...
Here I am referring back to my research into pop magazines and their conventions via my analysis of pop magazine 'Top Of The Pops'. As you can see I have adapted a similar layout but with slight changes, for example my coverlines are on the opposite side. I may have to change this and think about where my image will be best placed.

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