Monday 25 November 2013

Location Ideas For Images

Looking at my research I have found out that many pop music magazines use very professional, clean cut images which usually involve little to no background image at all. The backgrounds are usually white or very simplistic. However, for the smaller images which will feature on my front cover, promoting smaller stories under the cover-lines, they are usually less professional photos, with busy backgrounds.

So, as a result of this I have chosen 2 locations for my magazine images:

1. An indoor space, perhaps a white wall, as I am trying to make my images look as professional and as clean-cut as possible, with no background distractions.

2. An outdoor space, in an area with many people who can feature in the background. 

The mix of the two will make my magazine stand out from the rest, as from my research I concluded that there are many pop publications on the market today, and so I need to make my magazine individual but at the same time still confine to the 'pop genre' look.

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