Wednesday 13 November 2013

Mock Up Front Cover Draft

For my mock up design of my front cover, I have chosen to position the masthead to the left hand side, as from my research I have found that this is where they are typically placed on pop music magazines. I have made my front cover fairly cluttered and almost 'messy'. By this I mean that I have include many images, and will also include many cover lines. My reasoning for this is that from my research it is clear to see that pop magazines are typically crowded and almost represented as 'loud' and 'boisterous'. Along the bottom I have include a set of 4 free posters. I have included 3 coverlines along the right hand-side, which will be accompanied by cover lines to link the text to the image. I have also included a puff in the top right hand corner, I expect that this will be a giveaway. The main article heading, the 'Splash' takes centre stage of my magazine, and it will be on top of the central image.

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