Sunday 1 December 2013

Photoshoot Images

Here I have created a compilation of images which I have taken for my magazine so far. I will outline which ones I think work best and why, and why perhaps others don't work so well.

Firstly, photographs I have taken of my front cover and double page spread model, Phoebe:

 I think that this is a nice potential front cover image, from my research I learned that many pop magazine use close up images of the artists.

 I think that this is a good photograph as it takes on board the 'silly' and 'fun' aspect of pop magazines, they often feature artists doing silly and fun poses. I learnt this information from my detailed research upon pop music magazines and have subsequently come up with this image.
 I think that this image is an excellent 'action shot' to be used in my double page spread as an extra photo.
 Perhaps this photo is not the best as it appears to be rather blurry, not of the best quality and slightly messy.

I think that this image would be good for my front cover image as Phoebe is looking directly into the camera and it is a close up shot.

 I really like this image especially, and I think that it will be perfect for my double page spread. I think it is effective because I referred back to my research, and noticed that many double page spread articles in pop magazines feature the artist looking directly into the camera and also have an all white, clear background. So, taking my research on board I chose to take my photos in front of a white background and in doing so I believe this makes my images look much more professional and clean cut, as I did not have the best camera to take them with, the clean background really adds to the professional feel.

 I do not think this photo works too well as it looks perhaps a bit too staged, also Phoebe is not looking directly into the camera which is a main convention of a pop magazine image.
 I think that this is a good image as it is close up and fairly clean cut.

 I really like this 'action shot' photo as although it is completely natural and goes against the usual characteristics of a pop magazine (i.e, clean-cut, professional) I think it'd be excellent to use in the double page spread as an extra image.

Next, I photographed Jess:
 I really like this image, and as Jess will be featured as one of the posters or possibly one of the cover-lines, I will be needing maybe 1 or 2 images of her. I think this is a good image as it is clear and also close up.
 I decided on a rather different pose such as this as I thought it would bring fun and creativity to the magazines overall feel and appearance. Quirky and outlandish images are creeping their way onto to many pop magazines on the market today.
 I believe this image is perhaps too dark and not quite clear enough for a poster, and also I think I will need a close up shot opposed to a LDS or MLS.

 This photo is a lot clearer as I used the flash on the camera, the image appears brighter.

I decided to take a photograph of the two together as I could perhaps feature it as a cover-line, something along the lines of "Exclusive pictures of Phoebe C and Cher Lloyd in the In The Mix studio!"

Next I took some images of my other models:

 I think this is a nice image because it creates a different aspect to my magazine and also adds that informality which is notorious within pop magazines.
I took another, more 'classic' shot of Jamie which is face on and against a white background. This image would be ideal for front cover shots.

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