Sunday 8 December 2013

Progress with images

In this post I am going to show my progress in regards to the images I am using for my magazine.
In this screenshot I am using the programme Photoshop to enhance my images. As this is the image I am using for my front cover, I felt as though it was fairly dull, and perhaps did not stand out enough for a front cover image. Furthermore, I increased the brightness of my image and reduced the contrast, and so because of this I have created the image on the left.

Next, in order to achieve a completely white background I had to cut around Phoebe. I did this by using the magic wand tool and then carefully erasing around the edges. I carefully removed any excess background and made the edges appear smoother. I am doing this here: 
For this image of Jess, I also used photoshop to enhance the photos brightness. 

Here are some examples of pop magazines from my research into the generic conventions of pop magazines. These show that the types of front cover images that are used are bright, and usually close up shots.

My research shows that the images used tend to have clear neutral backgrounds as to not detract from the main image. 

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