Sunday 8 December 2013

Progress within my task

I have finally taken some effective photographs for my magazine which I have displayed in an earlier post. Subsequently, I have started adding my images onto my magazine design. Here is my front cover thus far:
As you can see, I have actually decided to change my layout slightly. I have moved the coverlines and accompanied images to the opposite side, as upon reflection back to my research of pop magazines I have noticed that the majority of them have the main image on the right and the coverlines on the left hand side. I think this looks a lot better than before.

Next, I have added a 'highlighter' effect on my splash and also other information. I have done this because from my research I found that this was used quite a lot. It makes the information stand out, and especially as I have a white background it gives me the opportunity to use white colour fonts. I have also added a barcode: 

I think that my magazine is slowly starting to look similar to other pop magazines on the market 
Next, I inserted an image onto my contents page. I also removed the background from this image on photoshop. 
After this, I moved onto adding more images onto my front cover. I added 3 posters at the bottom and two coverline images across the left hand side. All of which I photographed myself.
I also added a highlighter effect behind the text of my splash and coverlines because I have seen this used on other pop magazines, also it is useful so I could incorporate white coloured text into my magazine which proved difficult otherwise as I have a white background.

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