Saturday 14 December 2013

Audience Feedback Questions

What do you think about the layout of my front cover? Does it look similar to other pop magazines you have seen? If so why?

What do you think of the colour scheme I have chosen? Pink, white and purple? Do you think this is a suitable colour scheme for my target audience? (Girls, aged 14-16)

What do you think needs to be improved/changed on my contents page? Layout, images etc

Do you think the coverlines are suitable?

Do you think that the mode of address I have used within my magazine is suitable for my target audience? Is it too formal, too informal or just right?

Is the content of my double page spread article typical of a pop magazine? Would you change anything? Why?

What do you think of my main image for my double page spread? Does it look too plain or does it stand out? What could I change? What could be improved? What do you think about the image? 

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