Wednesday 18 December 2013

Further progress with my magazine

This week, december 9th (although I have posted this a week later) I started to create my double page spread. I felt as though I was falling behind but now I am caught up and am on the appropriate week and doing the appropriate work flow according to my action plan. Here is a screenshot of the progress for my double page spread:
I have inserted my double page spread image. My reasoning for choosing this image is because from my research I have found that in double page spreads the main image which is used is usually a single medium long shot with the artist looking directly into the camera.
I had previously written up my article and had it proof read and I changed it accordingly to fit in and be relatable to my target audience which is girls aged 14-16. I used a variety of fonts which I believe connote the fun and youthfulness of a pop magazine. I have showed continuity to my magazine by using the same colour scheme: White, pink and purple. I have chosen to have the ratio of pictures to text at 50:50 as from my research I found this to be the preferred ratio. I have created a bleed of the
colour white onto the next page as this was also a key feature of pop double page spreads. Again, I used photoshop to remove the background from my image and place it on the right hand side of the page. At the moment, I think that my image looks fairly bland and does not stand out enough - I will ask about this in my audience feedback questions and collect the views from others at a later date. I have also shown continuity through out my magazine by using the same colour scheme through out.
I have used 3 columns of text as from my research I found that this is the most used layout for a double page spread in a pop magazine. In the subtitle of my double page spread article I used alliteration "pop princess phoebe" this is a common convention of pop magazines as it gives the article a rhythm and creates an exciting momentum to it. It also makes it more fun for younger readers. I have also added the masthead logo in the top right hand corner because from my research I found that this was a common feature of a pop magazine double page spread.
I have then created continuity within my magazine by adding page numbers on either side of the corresponding pages, and next to them I have added the magazine's masthead. This shows continuity through out the magazine.

Continuing on from this, I decided to go back to my contents page and play around with a few of the fonts, swapping and changing them to more 'pop' appropriate ones. I am still missing one image from my contents page which I will have in the upcoming week.
I have added a bubble with the slang term "OMG" as I have seen this used before in pop magazines and although it perhaps looks rather miscellaneous it adds to the crowded, exciting feel of the magazine. I may add more of these, depending on my contents audience feedback.
I decided to add some outlining to the page numbers and the editors notes as I thought this looked a lot better and less plain. I have added two more bubbles on the image with the words "for your eyes only" and "swag" as these are common in pop magazines. They make the reader feel involved and as if the magazine is talking directly to them.


Finally, here is my front cover design and my finished product side by side. I have done this to show my progress within the task and also to highlight certain changes. I have decided to move the three cover-lines over to the left hand side as upon detailed reflection into my pop magazine research I noted that the majority of pop magazines positioned their cover-lines on the left.

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